We are a small non-denominatinal church located in the rural community of Miller, Nebraska.
We are a small non-denominatinal church located in the rural community of Miller, Nebraska.
Pastor Paul Olson
Miller Christian Church is a non denominational church that has no affiliation with a higher authority or body except Christ Himself. The church's doctrine for salvation is: hearing and believing the Word of God as Written in the Holy Bible; understanding that God exists in three equal persons-God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; believing and confessing that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God sent to earth in human form as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of all mankind; confessing ones sins; repenting of one's sins; and asking, through prayer, for forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ. We have no creed but Christ and accept no book but the Holy Bible.
202 2nd Street, Miller, Nebraska 68858, United States
Sunday Service 9
Sunday School 10:30
Kids for Christ 6:30